Learn anything
with AI !

LearnView is an Open Source project to solve for global Educational challenges with help of Generative AI and LLMs.

Domains of LearnView

Education and Learning is a vast domain and LearnView will cover many areas in this. Some ideas that the contributors might work on include

  • LLM Tools for Maths, Science, Arts, Social Sciences, Engineering, Commerce, Arts, Medical learning etc for school, college and continuing education segments.
  • Tools for Exam Prep for SAT, GRE, GMAT, IIT JEE, IAS, NEET and other competitive exams.
  • Health Education and training
  • Coding and tech learning tools
  • Tech and Equipment training and operations manuals
  • Industrial Training and Upskilling
  • AI Tutors for various subjects
  • Teaching co-pilots and student co-pilots
  • Classroom apps like Lesson Transcriptions, Summarization, QnA and Assignments.
  • Guided and/or personalized learning pathways using Gen AI agents.
  • Content generation tools for Lessons Plans, Content Chapters, QnA, Essays, Audio / Video content, Tests, Research Papers etc.
  • Creating training manuals and instruction guides
  • Mentoring and Counseling tools
  • Corporate learning content
  • Executive Teaching tools and content
  • Tools related to Learning Management Systems


Join the LearnView Community: Contribute, Collaborate, and Innovate!

LearnView project will be managed with help of a GitHub repo accessible to all. The code contributions here will be managed by Project Leads who moderate and approve submitted code before it gets pushed into the main Git branch.

LearnView project will be managed with help of a GitHub repo accessible to all. The code contributions here will be managed by Project Leads who moderate and approve submitted code before it gets pushed into the main Git branch.

The project will be hosted on a full stack Web App running on the Cloud eventually.

The project will be hosted on a full stack Web App running on the Cloud eventually.

Global developers are welcome to contribute to this Open Source project and help revolutionize Education and Learning with help of cutting-edge AI tech.

Global developers are welcome to contribute to this Open Source project and help revolutionize Education and Learning with help of cutting-edge AI tech.

Since it is free Open Source project, monetary contributions are solicited and requested.

Since it is free Open Source project, monetary contributions are solicited and requested.